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23 Year Old Man Killed in Car Accident


A young man from Lumberton was killed on Saturday morning. The accident involved a single car on Route 206 and happened during the early hours of Saturday morning.

The 23 year old driver was declared dead at the scene. He died of his injuries before the emergency services could arrive, explains a Lawyer. The man was pronounced dead at 1:52 AM according to the contents of a police report.

The man was driving on the southbound carriageway of Route 206. Other drivers said that he wasn’t able to negotiate his car around a corner. This caused his Ford Fusion to come off the road and flip over. The car slammed into a utility pole which caused extensive damage to the car.

The death of this young driver is the 18th fatal road accident in Burlington County, according to new statistics acquired by the police. Four of these fatalities occurred in a single accident. Many people are starting to question the safety of the roads in the area.

The police are currently still investigating the exact cause of the accident. It is not currently known what caused the man to come off the road and flip his car. The police will interview more eyewitnesses. Although, it’s thought that excessive speed had a part to play in the car accident, indicated the source.

A 70 year old man was killed in April when his car was involved in an accident with a SUV. This accident caused his car to be pushed into an ice cream parlor along Route 70 when he was trying to turn around. He also died in the crash, before the emergency services could respond to the accident. Similar accidents have been reported in Manhattan and Long Island.

In March, two more people died on Route 206. These were a 64 year old man and a 53 year old woman. The pair was riding a motorcycle. A police cruiser was traveling at high speed to respond to another incident. The two people were thrown from their motorcycle and killed instantly at the scene.

If anyone in your family is affected by a traffic accident, then a New York Car Accident Attorney is essential. A New York Car Accident Attorney will assist you with your case and try to get any charges dropped.

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