
Fatal Car Accident Killed Young Student

An accident in Pittsburg in the early hours of Thursday morning resulted in two severely injured people and one death. One 20 year old student was fatally injured and died at the scene; two other students received injuries but did not require immediate medical attention.

A report handed to the rep by the local police department explained that the truck was driven by a 20 year old male with three more passengers. The exact cause of the crash is not known as the police investigation is still ongoing.

The driver of the truck was on the wrong side of the road which caused another driver to crash into the truck. The truck rolled on its top as a result of the impact. This killed the truck driver instantly, and the other driver and his passenger were taken immediately to Via Christi Hospital. The report read by the court states that the injuries to these were not thought to be life threatening.

Both passengers of the truck refused any medical treatment but it is not clear why they did this. Police were investigating the case and trying to look at whether or not this accident was caused by alcohol. It has been suggested that alcohol could have been involved as the truck was traveling quickly, and many students drink during the night.

The source explained how thorough police are when dealing with fatal road traffic accidents. It was not known whether any of the results of the investigation would be released into the public domain.

The student who lost his life in the accident was a sophomore studying mechanical engineering at Pittsburg State University. He was a popular student with many friends on campus. Accidents like this are common in places like Manhattan and Long Island.

It’s very sad for everyone concerned that a young student has lost his life as a result of the car accident. The entire Pittsburg State University has been shocked by the fatal accident and students are able to request counseling if required. Counselors will be able to deal with concerns of the faculty and other students alike.

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