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Bus Crash Victims Receive Their Reward, States a New York Car Accident Lawyer


A $132 million award was granted after a four-day trial to victims of a fatal bus crash because according to the jury, the passengers were in a bus with bald tires and no safety constraints.

The judgment was made against Los Paisanos bus lines and its owner, who plans to file an appeal according to New York Injury Lawyers.

“There are multiple errors in the verdict,” he said. “This case will take another four to five years to resolve.”

The case originated in the system in 2005 when the van carrying 11 passengers literally slid off of a slippery highway.

“Los Paissanos treated these poor people like cattle,” said the lawyer for the plaintiffs to a New York Car Accident Lawyer. “The van, without seat belts, was driven over 188,000 miles in two years in the furtherance of an illegal interstate operation to move Mexican citizens across state lines.”

The day of the accident 33 people started on the journey in one of the company’s busses. At the first stop 11 of the passengers were transferred to the 15-person van for the final leg of the journey to Nebraska. It was then that survivors described the driver as eating and speeding at the same time before he rolled the van over the embankment.

Two passengers were killed and five sustained injuries but survived. Both the survivors and the family members of the deceased joined together to file the suit against Los Paissanos and all are satisfied with the verdict, reports a New York Injury Lawyer.

“This validates everything we were trying to do, and that was to send a message to Los Paisanos that you have to comply with federal motor-carrier standards and you have to take into consideration the safety of the people

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has convenient locations throughout the NY area including Morris Park, NY. Our attorneys can give you advice about personal injury caused by another’s negligence. Without a NY Car Accident Lawyer you will not be cognizant of all your rights and could be at a great disadvantage.

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