While the world has stood up and taken notice of the danger of talking or texting while driving, New York Car Accident Lawyers report that digital billboards may be just as dangerous. This is not just an issue of cellphones but digital dashboards and roadside billboards are definitely grabbing the attention of driver’s and thus the attention of New York Car Accident Lawyers as well.
The billboard change the picture every six to eight seconds so advertisers can flash their message with the latest headlines to as many drivers as possible. The billboard industry declines to discuss that these billboards may be responsible for man car accidents. Steve Bilkis and Associates and his New York Injury Lawyers can be reached for more information about the matter at 1-800-NY-NY LAW.
Critics of the billboards call them “television on a stick” and insist that the billboards give drivers who are already talking or texting one more distraction. Some studies even go as far a to say that the billboards are more dangerous than cellphones. The thought process here is that the cellphones can be turned off but the billboard gets the attention of the driver making the billboards much more dangerous. There was no charge of drug possession in the incident.