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Mother and Son Injured on West 230th Street Accident according to a New York Car Accident Lawyer


A woman and her son were walking on West 230th Street and Broadway when a traffic sign struck them. The two were struck when a car knocked over a pedestrian traffic sign. The young boy was awake and trying to talk to his parents. His condition was upgraded to stable and he was eventually moved out of ICU report New York Car Accident Lawyers.

His parents were scared that the accident, which occurred during the Monday morning rush hour, was going to prove fatal for the young boy. The two were headed to Growing Happy day care and were waiting to cross the street when a cab swerved and slammed into a pole. The pole and the sign both hit the boy. He was immediately transported to the hospital where is condition was noted as critical by a New York Injury Lawyer.

And, fortunately for this family, the four year old is expected to fully recover from the freak accident. The driver’s statement indicated that he had swerved to avoid another automobile that had moved into his lane. Neither driver is expected to be charged as this appears to be just an accident.

Stephen Bilkis & Associates with its New York Car Accident Lawyers has convenient locations throughout the NY area including Woodside, NY. Our attorneys can provide you with advice about personal injury caused by someone else’s negligence. Not having a New York Car Accident Lawyer means you will not be aware of your rights and will be at a definite disadvantage.

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